Abu al-Adian al-Basry


The name of the story: Abu al-Adian al-Basry

Translated by: Mojtaba Mohamad Ali al-Helu

Painted and colored by: Hasanain Jawad Shobar

Edited by: Haidar Mohamad al-Toraify


Abu al-Adian: Welcome my dear friends. Do you know me and my story? Well, I think you don’t. I will tell you but you have to pay attention to what I will say.

My name is Abu al-Adian al-Basry. I am from Basrah. I was a servant for my master imam al-Hasan al-Askary(p.b) in Samera. My mission was bringing the letters which were written by imam al-Askary(p.b) to his shias and lovers. The letters were reaching to the imam from everywhere. The imam trusted in me so much, therefore, he gave me this mission.

In Safar 260 A.H, imam al-Askary fell ill because of the poison, which was given to him by the Abbasid caliph al-Motamed. Therefore, imam al-Askary called me.

When I entered, I saw the imam was in front of Qeblah in the bed.

Imam al-Askary(p.b):Abu al-Adian,take this letter to a person who is called Ahmad bin al-Hasan in Madaien and give him this packet and wait for his reply.

Abu al-Adian: Ok my lord, but what if I don’t find him or get no reply?

Imam al-Askary(p.b): Don’t come back until you get the reply. Some of my shias will give you some letters to bring them to me.

Abu al-Adian: Do I bring them?

Imam al-Askary(p.b): Yes, and you have to know that you will come back after fifteen days. In the day of your coming back, you will hear the sound of cry from my home.

Abu al-Adian: For what my lord?

Imam al-Askary(p.b): Because I will die before your entrance to Samera. You will find me lying in the mortuary.

Abu al-Adian: We are for god and we are going back to him. (Ena Lelah wa Ena Elaih Rajeoon). I can't stand without you my lord.

Imam al-Askary(p.b): Do what I have ordered you.

Abu al-Adian: But if that happen, to whom should I give the letters?

Imam al-Askary(p.b): Give them to the person who will ask them from you.

Abu al-Adian: How will I know him?

Imam al-askary(p.b): I'll give you another sign. The person who prays on me is the imam after me.

Abu al-Adian: Is there another sign?

Imam al-Askary(p.b): the person who will tell you what is in the yellow packet is the imam after me.

Abu al-Adian: You know, the imam introduced to me three signs of the coming imam, but the imam's awe didn't let me to ask him about another sign. Now you have to remember these signs. Well, they are:

First: He should request the letters from, which I bring them with me from Madaien.

Second: He should be the person who prays on imam al-Askary(p.b) after his death.

Third: He should know how much money is in the yellow packet.

After that, I left the imam and then, I left Samera. I moved toward Baghdad. I stayed in Baghdad for a day and a night. Then, I moved toward Madaien in the next day. Madaien is an ancient city, which is near to Baghdad. It contains the shrine of Salman al-Mohamady and Iwan Kasra.

When I arrived there, I asked about Ahmad bin al-Hasan. When I found him, I gave him the letter. Ahmad kissed the letter, put it on his eyes, and passed it on his face. He entered me his house and stayed there for a few days. I was thinking about my lord imam al-Askary(p.b). Then, Ahmad asked me to move to the house of one of his followers, because of the fear from being discovered. When the lovers and the shias of imam al-Askary knew my being in Madaien, they started visiting me secretly and writing letters, and they asked me to bring the letters to imam al-Askary. When the time was over, Ahmad bin al-Hasan gave me the reply of the imam's letter. Then I took it and returned to Samera. I entered there at 8th Rabi al-Awal in 260 A.H, and it was the fifteenth day

since my exit from Samera like the imam's saying.

When I reached near the door of the home, I heard the sound of crying from the home, then I entered and I saw the imam in the mortuary. I cried a lot. When I saw Jafar bin Ali the brother of imam al-Askary, was at the door of the home and people were mourning his brother's death and were greeting him for his being imam. I told myself: If Jafar is the imam, so the imamate became invalid, because I know Jafar well, he was seteling in the castles and was drinking wine and was gambling and playing with the music instruments.

I walked toward him, mourned his brother's death, and greeted him for his being imam, but he didn't ask me anything. Then the servant got out of the home.

The servant: My lord! Your brother was enshrouded. Come and pray on him.

Abu al-Adian: Jafar, the shias and the people entered the home. They saw the imam al-Askarys body in the pall. Jafar walked forward to pray on his brother. He was going to say Allah Akbar, but a little brown boy, came out from inside and caught the Jafar's clothes.

The child: Go back uncle; I have the right to pray on my father more than you.

Abu al-Adian: It was a shock for Jafar, so he moved back, but the characters of his face got changed. The child moved forward and prayed on his father as well as possible. Then, he carried the pall and buried the hilly body beside his grandfather imam Ali al-Hadi(p.b). The child looked at me.

The child: Basry! Give me the letters, which you had brought them with you.

Abu al-Adian: I gave him the letters and I told myself that two signs have done but one. Then, I walked toward the door and I saw Jafar and some of the shias, which surrounded him, were shocked.

One of the shias: My lord! Who is the child who prayed on your brother?

Jafar: I swear I never had seen him before and I don’t know him.

A shia: Why don’t we ask him to be a proof on him?

Abu al-Adian: While people were talking to each other, a group of people arrived. It was clear that they were in a long journey. The group contained an old doyen. The doyen moved forward and greeted Jafar; He replied.

The doyen: We are from Qom and we are the imam al-Hasan al-Askaries shia. We came to ask about him.

Abu al-Adian: When they knew about his death, they started crying.

The doyen: Now, after the imam's death, whom we mourn?

Jafar: I am his brother Jafar bin Ali and the imam after him.

Abu al-Adian: The doyen started mourning his brother's death and greeting him for being imam.

The doyen: If you are the imam after him, so tell us the name of the letters' writer, which I brought them with me, and how much money is in this yellow packet. If you answer the questions, so you are the real imam after him.

Abu al-Adian: Jafar stood up while he was shaking his clothes and said: You want me to know prescience?!! A servant got out of the home, started saying the names of thje letters' owner, requested the yellow packet, and said: It contains one thousand and ten dinars. Then, they gave him the letters and the packet.

The doyen: you're right; Who has sent you?

The servant: Imam al-mahdi al-Hojah bin al-hasan(p.b) has sent me.

Abu al-Adian: when Jafar bin Ali heard that, he went to the Abasy caliph al-Motamed and told him the story. Therefore, the knights and the soldiers attacked the imam's home to catch him, but he got hidden.