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المقالات Summary Article: The Savior in the Morsek Theology

القسم القسم: الخلاصات الشخص الكاتب: Adnan K. Al-Daraji, Ph.D التاريخ التاريخ: ٢٠١٨/٠٧/٢٦ المشاهدات المشاهدات: ٢٤١١ التعليقات التعليقات: ٠

Summary Article: The Savior in the Morsek Theology

Adnan K. Al-Daraji, Ph.D
Translated by: Mujtaba Al-Helu

The Morseks were a genealogical continuation of the Muslims in Andalus (Muslim Spain). They had inherited the Islamic culture and traditions in some way or another.
Like all other ideologies, the Morsek thought has undergone various changes, chiefly because of the strictly classified nature of their teachings and nature. Additionally, the vagueness of their theology is due to the restrictions the Spanish powers have imposed upon this group.
The Morsek thought had integrated to some extent with the Christian theology as a result of their mutual encounters.
As a matter of fact, the Spain at the time had invested much in the concept of the savior to manipulate it politically, as a strategy to keep the Muslims away from political power. Thus, there were certain intellectual parallels between the Christian Spanish and the Morseks.
The Morseks depended greatly in their prophecies on what had been narrated from the Prophet. They also borrowed much from what Imam Ali had stated about the future of the nation. The main concern of the Morseks’ prophecies were about the oppression of the Morseks as a minority. They used such prophecies as a motivation and justification for revolution. The Morseks have also invested much in what had been narrated about Imam Al-Mahdi. The Morseks manipulated such narrations about the savior to display him as a person who would rise from among them in Andelus.
After making a perusal of the Morsek prophecies, one would find that they had been written with a very weak and unsuitable style and language, as a result of their political oppression and marginalization, making them forget the healthy Arabic language.
In the discourse of the Morseks, the name of the savior varies according to certain historical and political issues, yet they all agree upon one point that they seem to refer to Imam Al-Mahdi, since they name him as the Arab son of Fatima. These prophecies also describe this savior as just, virtuous, and noble. There is also a consensus that this savior will rise from the Islamic orient.

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