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المقالات Summary Article: The Signs of the Debut: A Study of Symbolism

القسم القسم: الخلاصات الشخص الكاتب: Sheikh Adnan Al-Hasany Al-Romaithy التاريخ التاريخ: ٢٠١٦/٠٩/٢٧ المشاهدات المشاهدات: ٢٦٨٤ التعليقات التعليقات: ٠

Summary Article

The Signs of the Debut:
A Study of Symbolism

Sheikh Adnan Al-Hasany Al-Romaithy
Translated by: Mujtaba Al-Helu

This research attempts to apply semiotics theories on the signs of the Debut in the light of historical-religious orientations. As a matter of fact, these signs correspond objectively with the field of semiotics, linguistically and historically. Moreover, the philosophy of history holds the reign in semiotics, since there is a historical link of understanding between the sign and its perceiver.
In this study, the researcher tends to shed light on the semantic side of the sign. Afterwards, he covers the importance of signs in the life of human beings religiously and intellectually.
The study also justifies the fact that the signs of the Debut yield to certain elements: textual and contextual. These elements, in fact, represent conceptual vitality, not present in traditional studies which seek only the understanding of icon, symbol, and image. The aspirational side of this research is represented in various sides:
١. Religious elements; ٢. Occult elements; ٣. Historical elements; and ٤. Personal elements.
This research also encounters the traditional sides of semiotics as:
٥. Contextual elements; ٦. Textual elements; and ٧. Pragmatic elements.
In the practical side of the research, the researcher tackles the historical aspects of the signs of the Debut, particularly the «triangular system». This triangular system (Al-Yamany, Al-Korasany, and Al-Sofiany) undergoes specific rules and order. The researcher also strives to look for semiotic and historical justifications of this system.

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