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 الصفحة الرئيسية » اعداد المجلة » العدد ١/ جمادى الأخرة/ ١٤٣٧هـ » الخلاصات » Summary Article: The Doctrine of Mahdism in Light of The Philosophy of History and Its Approaches

المقالات Summary Article: The Doctrine of Mahdism in Light of The Philosophy of History and Its Approaches

القسم القسم: الخلاصات التاريخ التاريخ: ٢٠١٦/٠٣/٠٩ المشاهدات المشاهدات: ٣٠٢١ التعليقات التعليقات: ٠

Summary Article: The Doctrine of Mahdism in Light of The Philosophy of History and Its Approaches

Lateef Abdal-Nabi Yunis
Translated by: Haidar Mazen
This research explains the difference between the science of history and the philosophy of history. The science of history is the record for the events، characters، and nations. The philosophy of history is the analysis of the historical events and the knowledge of the similarities among civilizations. The research also explains the different approaches in the science of history، which are called the historic approaches. As for the religious history، it is the history of the prophets، their successors، and the righteous people who were in constant conflict with polytheism.
The historical approaches، regardless of the number of years، emphasize the inevitability of victory for the line of believers in the oneness of God.
The belief in Mahdism represents the final form of Islam. The belief in Mahdism is linked with the science of history through texts and narrations. It is also linked with the philosophy of history through its approaches as the fourteen infallibles have confirmed in their narrations that Imam Mahdi resembles the former Prophets.
The research also discusses the last three books published in the last decade about the form of the new global system after The United States has led the world by its liberal system، which they think it is the last political and economic form for humanity.
The research also discusses the theory by Sayyed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr which explains that the elements of society are of quaternary compound. And what is added to man، nature، and the relationship between them is a forth element، which is God Almighty.
While the triple compound (the one lacking the presences of God) causes the spread of injustice and corruption according to Fukuyama in his book The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order، the belief in Mahdism is the best solution to the problems of mankind.

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